How to Maintain Your Residential Lawn Mower

How to Maintain Your Residential Lawn Mower

Knowing how to maintain your residential lawn mower can save you time and money. Whether you’re a do-it-yourselfer or you prefer a professional shop for your lawn mower maintenance, it’s essential to know what requires maintenance and the best time to complete the...
GIVEAWAY: 2021 Berger Hargis Lawn Care Package

GIVEAWAY: 2021 Berger Hargis Lawn Care Package

As we continue to turn the page into the new year, we want to continue striving towards excellence. Here at Berger Hargis, we have always prided ourselves on our care for our customers and our community. We couldn’t be more excited to start this year off strong...
Down to the Root

Down to the Root

What is Deep Root Fertilization? Just like anything else in life, there is always more to something than meets the eye. If you’re anything like me, you probably knew little to nothing about deep root fertilization prior to this article. When it comes to tree and plant...
Know Your Limits

Know Your Limits

In the business world, we always seem to drift our focus towards numbers, work, efficiency, and productivity. I get it though, those are all VERY important factors for your business’s success. But what about the time you put into resting? Have you ever wondered how it...
Tidying Up: A Guide to Workplace Organization

Tidying Up: A Guide to Workplace Organization

  We’ve all been there. We have a busy week and the first thing we sacrifice is organization. We leave things in the quickest, most convenient place…our desk. Stacks begin to form, which turn into piles, then hills, and finally mountains. Eventually, we’re...
Grass Going to Seed?

Grass Going to Seed?

Is your grass going to seed? If so, you might be worrying about what to do. In this post, we will be discussing what exactly is happening when your grass goes to seed and what you should be doing as a result.   What’s Going On? Your lawn is flowering.  Cool...
Lessons from Mom

Lessons from Mom

  In light of the recent Mother’s Day celebration, it’s appropriate to see what we can learn from those rockstar moms out there. When it comes to customer relations and communication, we’ve all got room to grow. We all seem to fall short in one way or...
What Did You Say?

What Did You Say?

If you weren’t already aware, there are many factors that go into how we, as humans, interpret communication. During these rather strange times, we are especially learning that some of the things we say carry more weight than what meets the eye. Our words aren’t the...
Social Media: More than Selfies

Social Media: More than Selfies

Over the last few weeks, you might have noticed an increase in your social media time. During these times, we are naturally spending more time trying to (virtually) connect with the outside world. You aren’t alone. These rather crazy times have really forced companies...