What is Bush Hogging?

What is Bush Hogging?

Bush hogging is a popular method for clearing land and cutting tall vegetation. It involves using a heavy-duty rotary mower called a bush hog to cut through thick brush, tall grass, and other vegetation types.  Fundamentals of Brush Hogging Commonly referred to...
What is Grass Rust, and How Can it Be Controlled?

What is Grass Rust, and How Can it Be Controlled?

What is grass rust? Grass rust is a fungal disease affecting various grasses, including Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and tall fescue. It appears as yellow, orange, or brown powdery spores on the grass blades and can be unsightly and damaging to the health...
What Are the Benefits of Planting Trees?

What Are the Benefits of Planting Trees?

Sometimes planting trees means replacing trees. Spring and summer have brought heavy storms to Central Indiana. Unfortunately, the storms have toppled and damaged countless trees. Replacing lost trees isn’t the only reason to plant new trees, but it’s an important...
Do You Need Deep Root Fertilization?

Do You Need Deep Root Fertilization?

So, what is deep root fertilization? It’s pumping water and specialized fertilizer below the surface around a plant’s root zone. Did you know regular fertilization of trees and shrubs is essential to overall plant health? Proper fertilization can minimize...
Controlling Aquatic Weeds

Controlling Aquatic Weeds

Controlling aquatic leads isn’t only about appearance. Certainly, aquatic weeds distract from the beauty of any body of water, but they can also render the water feature unusable and adversely affect the biosphere. Yes, aquatic weeds can significantly impact the...