What Makes a Product Great? 

What Makes a Product Great? 

So, what makes a product great? Once while working for a construction company, I was contacted by a customer who had second thoughts about the work they had contracted. It seems a competitor told them they were spending too much. The construction company owner took...
When’s the Best Time to Reseed Your Lawn?

When’s the Best Time to Reseed Your Lawn?

Do you know the best time to reseed your lawn? Although there are other times of year you can reseed your lawn, according to Purdue University, the best time is now. “The density of many lawns can be improved by introducing seed into the lawn and allowing these...
5 Benefits of Residential Landscaping

5 Benefits of Residential Landscaping

There are more than 5 benefits of residential landscaping, but these 5 top our list. These 5 benefits not only add value and make residential landscaping an investment, not an expense they make homeowners happy, and that’s difficult to put a price tag on. 5...