How to Know Spring Has Come to Central Indiana
How can you know that Spring has come to Central Indiana? One way is your calendar. Last Thursday was the first day of Spring. I know because it’s clearly marked on my calendar. Looking outside gave me no clue because there were snow flurries, but that’s Central Indiana for you. On the Spring equinox, the day is divided equally between Light and dark, twelve hours each, which only happens twice a year. So yes, Spring is here. You can mark it on your calendar or look for the following signs of Spring here in Central Indiana.
How to Know Spring Has Come to Central Indiana
- Daffodils are sprouting … through the snow.
- Mark in the shipping department spends an hour daily updating the NCAA tourney pool.
- Highway construction is nearing its peak. About 1/4th of all the interstate highways are down to two lanes.
- Since time “springs” an hour ahead, we all get to work in the dark.
- The trees are budding, and the bees are buzzing around your head as you rake last year’s leftover leaves.
- You awaken to the sound of woodpeckers drumming loudly right next to your bedroom window at 5 am.
- Seeds have been in local retail outlets for three months and are now on sale
- You know it’s Spring because you’re taking the kids to baseball practice, not basketball.
- Finally, cold and flu season is nearing an end. It’s allergy season now.
And it’s Planting Season!
On a more serious note, Spring is the time to start prepping and planting your flower and vegetable gardens. Here are some planting timelines for central Indiana.
Early Spring (Mid-March to April)
Plant cool-season crops like peas, lettuce, spinach, carrots, and beets.
Mid-April to May
Plant cool-season crops like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and onions.
Mid-May to June
After the danger of frost has passed, direct sow beans, corn, squash, melons, and summer carrots. Transplant tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumber, zucchini, okra, and basil.
Late Spring (May)
Plant summer-blooming bulbs.
How Can We Help You?
Berger Hargis has a company philosophy of providing personal excellence for all our services. Our growth and success have been due entirely to our commitment to honest, excellent customer service. The company is built on the referral business we have received due to this philosophy.
If we can answer any questions about your garden or landscaping, please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.
About the Author
Randy Clark is a speaker, coach, and author. He publishes a weekly blog at Randy Clark Randy is passionate about social media, leadership development, and flower gardening. He’s a beer geek, and on weekends, he can be found fronting the Rock & Roll band Under the Radar. He’s the proud father of two educators; he has four amazing grandchildren and a wife who dedicates her time to helping others. Randy is the author of the Amazon bestseller The New Manager’s Workbook, a crash course in effective management.
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Photo by Charles Tyler on Unsplash
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