How and When to Plant Bulbs

How and When to Plant Bulbs

Knowing how and when to plant bulbs can be a huge payoff in the Spring, with a colorful display of flowers seeming to appear magically. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to plant bulbs in the fall. How and When to Plant Bulbs  Choose the Right Bulbs The...
What Can You Do with the Leaves on Your Lawn?

What Can You Do with the Leaves on Your Lawn?

What can you do with the leaves has been an ongoing question at my home. Our backyard is at the bottom of a tree-covered 50-foot hill. You can guess where most of the leaves fall. They land in my backyard. So, what do I do with all those leaves? I’ve mowed,...
Why Fall Is the Best Time to Control Dandelions

Why Fall Is the Best Time to Control Dandelions

Fall is the best time to control dandelions. I learned this the hard way. You see, dandelions like my yard. Nothing really worked until the experts at Berger Hargis told me about using herbicides for dandelions in the fall. Wait what? In the fall? Aren’t...
Should Your Lawn Be Soil Tested?

Should Your Lawn Be Soil Tested?

So, should your lawn be soil tested? The soil’s composition and nutrient levels affect your lawn’s health and beauty. Soil testing analyses the pH level, nutrient deficiencies, and other factors that can affect the health and growth of your grass.  If...
How Important is Dethatching Your Lawn?

How Important is Dethatching Your Lawn?

How important is dethatching your lawn? Dethatching a yard can mean the difference between a healthy growing lawn and a yard with bare spots and brown areas that’s filled with pests and disease. The answer is that dethatching is essential. However, it’s a lawncare...