How to Control Grubs in Your Lawn

How to Control Grubs in Your Lawn

Knowing how to control grubs in your lawn is essential because grubs are… grubby. Grubs are the larval stage of many common beetles, such as June Bugs, Japanese Beetles, and Chafers. Grubs spend their lives in the soil, where they feed on the roots of plants,...
Indianapolis in May

Indianapolis in May

Indianapolis in May is more than one event. So, don’t touch that dial. This isn’t just another Indy 500 blog post. Sure, I mention THE race in this post, but also many other events, sights, and activities. Although May at the Indianapolis Speedway holds a...
When Should You Clean Your Gutters?

When Should You Clean Your Gutters?

When should you clean your gutters isn’t a question with one answer because it depends on several factors. Most gutter professionals will say to clean your gutters twice a year, spring and fall. However, that might not be the best answer for you. When Should You...
Biking into the Heart of the City

Biking into the Heart of the City

It’s almost biking season for me. Spring is in the air, so it’s time to get our bicycles out of the shed, clean them, put air in the tires, and polish the fenders. My wife and I have matching bikes. They have wide white-walled tires, big seats, and 6-speeds....
Springtime in Indianapolis

Springtime in Indianapolis

Springtime in Indianapolis is a busy time for Berger Hargis Landscaping. It’s time to start putting away the snow shovels and getting the lawn mowers ready. We ramp up our supplies for weed and pest control, seeding, and spring clean-up. It’s time to dust off our...