A Storm, a Dinner, and a Team

A Storm, a Dinner, and a Team

This blog post is about a storm, a dinner, a team, and a lot more. It’s about a commitment to excellence. It’s about caring for one another. And it’s about a way of living. Last Friday, I was privileged to attend an annual Berger Hargis dinner for managers. The...
Santa’s Parking Lot Snow Removal

Santa’s Parking Lot Snow Removal

So, Santa’s parking lot snow removal is a thing? Yes, Santa has a parking lot, and it does get snow-covered. It’s where the elves park their vehicles while working their shift in the toy shop. Last week Berger Hargis got a Zoom call from the offices of...
Leave it to Us

Leave it to Us

Leave it to us is about the leaves on trees that won’t last much longer. Even though it’s December, there are still leaves on trees. I’m looking out my front window at the Bradford Pear tree in the front yard. It’s still full of leaves, but there’s a wind advisory...
What Are You Thankful for?

What Are You Thankful for?

So, what are you thankful for? I asked a few friends and co-workers, “What does Thanksgiving mean to you? The answers listed below included mom’s food, family, friends, football, time off, and giving back. What Are You Thankful for? So thankful all my...
What is Veterans Day?

What is Veterans Day?

November 11, 2022, is Veterans Day. But what is “Veterans Day”? At the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, in 1918, an armistice — a cessation of fire, went into effect, ending World War I. The war to end all wars officially ended seven months...