Seasonal Flower Installation

Seasonal flower installation includes the initial outlining of all your desired beds.  Soil is prepared with small tillers and shovels.  We add sand and peat moss to build the perfect organic soil structure. Slow-release fertilizer is deposited to provide the optimal growing environment.  Finally, seasonal flowers are installed.   Examples are: pansies in the spring, petunias in the summer, and cabbage or kale in the fall.

Click here to view our Flower Portfolio!

Spring Tips

There are many activities to do in the spring. It’s a great time for planting trees, shrubs, perennials and flowers. It’s also a great time to divide and transplant your ornamental grasses and perennials. Cleaning up debris, fertilizing plants and applying pre-emergent weed control are also important tasks. Don’t forget to mulch, edge your beds, and start up your irrigation systems if needed.

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